by Wilbur Witt
I just love it when the government gets caught with its pants down and a big ol' nasty case of ED. Such an exhilarating experience just occurred with the revelation that Uncle Remus, oh, my bad, Uncle Sam, was spying on all Verizon phone activity. Before I get started on this rant, I'd just like to ask how Verizon won the honors. I mean, what happened to AT&T, or Sprint, hell, CRICKET? If I were them I'd be pissed off! Don't terrorists ever use othe services? I mean, AllahBell, or something like that?
Obama trotted out and called black white, wrong right, clicked his heals three times, whispered, "There's no place like home," and disappeared back into the White House. What he didn't say was the simple truth, "Uh, we just tapped all the phones on an entire service, with the only justifiable cause being some idiot, somewhere in the world might say, 'Bomb!" And look at Obama's speech. Did he apologize? No! Did he say he was going to fine tune, or stop this? No! He was mad because he got caught! In fact a major investigation has now been launched to find the whistleblower that outted this mess. They readily admit that it had to be one of very few people who were in a secure enough position to have known about it at all, and could provide the documentation Someone right there in their OWN OFFICE! And when they do find this person they will crucify them, and for what? Telling the truth? And you think this group of "professionals" who can't secure the keys to the executive wash room are capable of securing an entire nation?'
Ok, let's go right to the pork chop on this one. Look at bombers. Now, I'm gonna get a little racial on this, so you liberals just sit your asses down, you can cuss me later. Jay Leno, I see you. How's your cell phone working, Bub?Timothy McVeigh was a redneck obsessed fool, running around with a big yellow truck full of fertilizer. He had a history of being an anti-government nut, and Sheriff Buford in PoDunk County, Arkansas could have fingered him in a heartbeat. It took the FBI to screw that one up, and Timmy drove his big yeller truck right up to their doorstep and lit the fuze! Look at the two punks that blew up the Boston Marathon. Look at the guy Obama trotted out yesterday to justify this latest boondoggle. Look at the nineteen highjackers from 9/11. See where we're going with this? Here, yet again, is a prime example of the American people giving up privacy, freedom, and dignity, hell, forget about that nasty old constitution, the administration wiped its butt on that a long time ago, in the name of that elusive, gremlin we have all come to know and love, National Security!
As you may know, I recently did a series of articles about Internet scams from Africa. It was quite funny, and I posted a lot of the dialog, but one fact was paramount. They ALL asked for money. They ALL got an absolute, "NO!" There are two reasons for this. One, I knew they were scamming, and two, wouldn't sent five dollars to ANYONE in another country who is darker than me! Pass the barf bags to the liberals, please. It's as simple as this; Grandma Hornbuckle in Austin, talking to her twin sister in Lampasas about sewing patterns is NOT a risk to National Security. Habib al Poopmydraws, in Ghana, saying, "Allah" every other sentence has a bit more on his mind than the price of dates during Ramadan. You just wasted a whole bunch of time and money screening grandma's calls! And don't tell me it's all computerized and, "Nobody's listening to our calls!" The very guy they drug out to prove that this idea worked was talking in code about MARRIAGE! And if you, Mr Obama, are so secure with this effort, where was it when one of the Boston bombers was flying to and fro to a country embroiled in war, terrorism, and clandestine activity as easily as going to Vegas for the weekend? Oh, my bad, last time I went to vegas the TSA had me take off my pants to make sure I didn't have a pressure cooker crammed up my ass.
I would like to remind everyone, however, that Obama didn't originate this loony tune surveillance. No, George did this. All this tells me is that something in the water inside the Beltway makes em crazy. They forget how to read, they can't tell the truth, and they think the American public is as stupid as they are. You want to see bi-partisan? Look at the track record. When it comes to funding schools and health care they scream, "Sequester!" When it comes to drones, wars, and Don Quixote windmills, just write the check, the FED'll print the money right on up!
The government is always going on and on about, "The greater good." And they are quick to use terms like, "Profiling." I find it disturbing that in a country where some woman in a full burqa can get on an airplane easily, that a young man can't walk home with an iced tea and pack of skittles without getting shot! I'm just a simple ol' boy from Austin, but did I miss something here? In a line at the airport two bozos talking in a language that sounds like they're coughing up their supper go right on through, and the TSA searches little Amy's Barbie doll! And they all look the same, folks. Dark skin, black hair, scruffy beard and pissed off! Meanwhile Americans, and I mean ALL Americans, even Juan and the boys, put up with this nonsense day after day after day. I would love to have a rule that states if anyone fitting the description of the nineteen terrorist from 9/11, the Boston bombers, or with a name you really can pronounce without spitting in someone's face gets on a plane they must sit between Bubba Mitchell and Fernando.
America will return to sanity. It will take about ten years, but people are pretty fed up now and believe it or not, this is NOT England, we DO have guns, and we DO know how to read the constitution. We didn't get this screwed up overnight and we won't fix it overnight, but we WILL fix it! One day Bubba WILL shoot the juke box and little Amy will get her Barbie back, and Miss Hornbuckle will be able to talk to her sister in privacy. And you wonder why right thinking Texans just want to divorce this fiasco? Wow!
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