by Wilbur Witt
As Mr. Snowden begins his journey to some safe haven we must look at the situation as it really is. I've already made it very clear my views on the government wiretapping an entire nation, basically, in an effort to secure our country, but the machinery is in full motion to incarcerate this boy. They are going after "criminal" charges for his outing of the people who took it upon themselves to wipe their asses on the constitution, spit in our collective faces, and lied until the room filled up with smoke from their flaming pants. Now, I'll admit that anyone who thinks the signal their cell phone is spraying all over the universe is anything but private is living in a fools paradise, but we do have some expectation that if we haven't done anything criminal we shouldn't be subjected to such blatant survailence. John Boehner even chimed in saying the leaker was "no hero." Well, maybe not to YOU, asshole, but to the 300,000,000 sum odd rest of us he's standing pretty tall right now!
How far do we let this go? When one honest man can't tell the truth without being hunted like an animal we have crossed the Rubicon. Charges should be pursued. Charges against every person who knew about this and said nothing. This kind of Tomfoolery is totally uncalled for. It is so asinine it defies description. Also, don't tell me Verizon wasn't in the know on this. I may be just a simple old boy from Austin, but I'm not THAT simple. Verizon compromised the privacy and trust of every one of their customers. There should be a mass exodus to AT&T. Verizon has forfeited any right to do business in the United States. I won't even CALL someone who has a Verizon phone any more. And not because I have anything to hide. I'm posting this on Google for God's sake. How much more public can you get? No, that is my personal, and permanent protest against a direct attack on the American people.
The real atrocity is that if and when they catch this kid no one will stand up. We will bleet like the sheep we are and watch him go down. And with him goes everything you ever believed in. Every idea you ever had concerning this so called land of the free. Loose lips sank ships back in the day, but Snowden didn't sink any ships. He just sank a bunch of sneaky liars. God Bless the Republic of Texas!
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