
We Defy

  In the spirit of Tommy Attaway’s book,  We Defy , with the shots from Ruby Ridge still ringing in our ears, and the smoke of Mount Carm...

Thursday, January 28, 2016

We Defy

In the spirit of Tommy Attaway’s book, We Defy, with the shots from Ruby Ridge still ringing in our ears, and the smoke of Mount Carmel in our nostrils, Americans are now mourning the death of Robert (LaVoy) Finicum. The “militants” act of rebellion was the simple commanding of a building to make a statement of civil disobedience that the government could not tolerate. This is the benchmark of an out of control, oppressive regime.  A system so unconstitutional that even the slightest resistance is met by violence, and murder, when needed.
Remember back when Michael Brown was killed? We got to see all those people in the streets raising their hands in the air as a symbol of government oppression. Mr. Finicum’s hands really were in the air! His hands were in the air when the Feds shot him in the face. How dangerous was this Temple Mormon to the United States power brokers? How bad did they need that building in the winter?
My sympathies extend to the family. While the controversy swirls around the events at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, the family has to claim the body. Most likely it is being autopsied to ascertain the “cause of death,” with the appropriate artistic efforts of the FBI, CIA, NSA, and any other department trying to change the trajectory of the bullet just like they had to do with the body of John F. Kennedy when it became difficult to explain how a bullet could not fly backwards! What gets me is they aren’t even good liars. They never are. They have the guns. They would love it if we didn’t have guns, unfortunately some fellas back in 1776 held a trump card that the Gestapo simply can’t get around, and it’s damn well time we used it!
Yeah, I really did just say that. We DEFY!  If one man stands up, he dies. If a nation stands up, THEY die! Calm down. If the sufficient amount of force shows in a confrontation with these bullies, they will do what bullies always do. . . run! They ran when they rustled Cliven Bundy’s cattle. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I just said that, too. The all-powerful federal government, with more fiat money than God actually stooped to stealing an old man’s cows. Where is Judge Roy Bean when we need him?
The Main Stream Media? Oh, don’t get me started. While writing this article I went to ABC News (I knew better) to get correct spellings of names, locations, and such. NADA! Couldn’t prove Robert Finicum ever lived! Lead story there. Some punk called Ethan Couch is being brought back to Texas. The funny thing is that he’ll draw a bigger crowd at the airport than Hillary did last week, and surely more than the Fox Debate sans Donald Trump!
This is not a funny story, people. An old man just got shot in the face as he raised his arms by your government. The news entities charged with reporting unbiased information gets its marching orders from an unelected bureaucracy on your dime, and it’s not even a real dime. It’s a dime pressed by some off shore bunch of illuminati who own the government that thinks it owns you! They didn’t own Robert Finicum. God owned him, and at the proper time he was called home. In the darkness of Oregon, Robert Finicum became yet one more Patriot who was called to step across William Barrett Travis’ line in the sand. Rest in peace Mr. Finicum, we’ll take care of your family, and thank you for your service.
Simple Ol' Boy From Austin

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