by Wilbur Witt
With the Paula Deen situation we are again faced with the lopsided standard concerning the racial slur we've all come to know and love, the "N" word. White folk cringe at the very implication that they may be related to someone who ever uttered that word. Now, the word is an insult. In regular society normal people don't usually use words that deliberately classify people unjustly into a group based on the actions of a few. I always say that I'm just a simple old boy from Austin. Well, my simple butt was born in Shreveport, Louisiana, and I have heard, and said the infamous "N" word. As I grew up in the '50's and 60's, I heard a lot of things. Now, at 62, with friends of all makes and colors I try not to offend them by saying things that upset them.
And this is not politically correctness at all, but to offend a guest is just not cool. Any civilized person would be the same. What happened to Paula Deen is just plain nuts! And Walmart leading the foray to destroy her is reprehensible. I know they are going to pull all CDs containing said word from their shelves also, I mean, since it's so offensive.
We are all prejudiced. That's human nature. When someone doesn't look like you the caveman comes out and you pre-judge the person as an ancient method of self preservation. In a sane, modern world you should put this on hold and build a data base defined by facts you learn. In ancient tribal days you tended to stay around your own people. Different people were possibly a threat, and for your own safety you stayed in your cave, or village, with people you'd known all your life. Frankly, I'm always pleasantly surprised when I meet new people now. I have a rapper friend from L.A. who talks street language all the time. We never discuss race, we discuss music. He wants to sell his rap. We have a lot in common. He considers me a good friend. We get a laugh out of him because he has never eaten Texas food. It is very gratifying to seen this large man enjoy brisket, German food, and local beer. I would never refer or even think of him in racial terms.
I talked to him about this word. His idea is that black people began to use it a lot to avoid the very trap that whites now find themselves in. They have effectively neutralized the stigma by simple overkill. I am Irish, but the word "Mick" doesn't carry the same connotations as the "N" word. We never had to rise out of slavery. We were always considered to be human, except in some areas of New York. And the Chinks, Wops, Spicks, and Polacks all had the same deal. We all had to live past our roots and assimilate into America. Eventually we all became just a bunch of Crackers.
What Paula Deen did was a non event. Let it go. I have resolved to never give another dime to Walmart until they reinstate her. I don't like Walmart anyway because it was started by a guy in Arkansas and my grandmother told me all people from Arkansas were white trash who married their sisters. I know now this is not true but I still keep my eye on them. I don't use the "N" word here because I'm not crazy and I know social media sites are! But, if someone plays an old film clip of me and there I am, oh well!
We all know this is unfair. We all know there is a double standard. We need to rise above it. When people talk ignorant they never go far. Let's keep our heads and not destroy the lives of people who have done no harm. Of course there will be those who will rail against what I've said here. I hope they are as articulate, and literate as the star witness at the Zimmerman trial. Myself, I've said my bit and now I'm going to move on to different subjects. You can't fix stupid.
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