After punking "Rosemond" yesterday I did some online research into what is a booming business in Ghana. While the Nigerians invented these cons the scammers in Ghana have taken it to an entirely new level. I've seen interviews with people who work the call centers, or Internet cafes, and I've read dozens of cases studies. I must say on one level I was impressed with the volume of work these people do. On the other hand, if they put such technology, and industry into legitimate help centers they could make good money legitimately. I've come to some some conclusions.
Now, I know I'm going to get some resistance on this but rule number one is very simple, if you meet anyone online who tells you they are from anywhere in Africa they are scamming you. These people have no morals, to human feeling and are only out to steal as much money as they can. I can already hear it, "Oh, Wilbur, how can you condemn an entire continent?" It's easy. That's what they are, and if you remember that rule you will never be scammed. Verily, verily I say unto you, nine times out of ten you are not even talking to a woman, it's a man, and that man does not look like Brittney Spears, more than likely he looks like Big Daddy Idi Amin! And you'll be telling him you want to kiss his belly.
If you ignore this simple rule, and think there still might be a chance for international love rule two is never ever send any money. No matter how detailed the story, no matter how complex the assurances, don't even send a dime for a parking meter. I've given the scenarios here but to recap, no one but no one has inherited a huge amount of Gold in Ghana. If they did the government would kill them and take it. I read a write up on Ghana, and it was referred to as a democracy. These are the same people who have monstrous civil wars because the bones in their noses point in different directions.
I have a friend. She lives in England. I have another. She lives in California. Neither of these ladies have ever asked me for a dime. I may meet the one in California during one of my trips, but I don't know if I'll ever meet the lady from England. If she ever comes to America on holiday I will try to have dinner with her on the Riverwalk in San Antonio. I would love her to have a nice suite at the Marriott with a balcony overlooking the walk, and, of course, we will do the Alamo. Not very exotic is it? That's because she is real! Just as the lady is in California. I plan going to a winery with her if we can swing it. She loves horses and I have a friend that will let her ride to her heart's content
Rule three is if you can't make it with real women you know give it up. The fundamental part of any con is the greed of the mark. The scammer couldn't scam you if you weren't scamming in the first place. Fact is, if you can't find company in your town, why leap to the Internet? You do it because you either feel inadequate or you, too, have something you are withholding. Maybe you're fat, maybe your old, or perhaps you are just shy, it doesn't matter. Fat, old, shy people find love every day and it doesn't cost $10,000 to get it. I have a limp and I'm 61 years old. I'm not very romantic and I have no style with with women. I wouldn't pick up on a sexual signal from a girl if she typed it in Braille and stuck it up my ass! That's why I live alone. And that doesn't bother me. I know ME! That's why
when some chick from Ghana starts telling me how much she loves me, how good looking I am, and how I turned her entire life around I know her eyes are brown because number one, she's from Africa, and number two, she's full of crap!
It's easy to punk these scammers. I had one just last night running like a quarterback. Her line was that she had inherited several pounds of gold and, of course, needed to get it out of Ghana. She sent me several nice professional photos. I pretended to be really excited about her pictures. I came on like an old perv, which actually wasn't all that hard, and it worries me, but I kinda fell into the role, and told her I'd never felt like this! One of the pictures she supposedly "just took" was her, on a couch, covered with a towel. I told her I would love to see her without the towel. She told me how shy she was and then said she had just sent another picture. I got the new picture, different towel, same couch. Ok,then I told her just send me a picture to her looking out the window. After much ado, I finally got a picture of a girl looking through a window. Only problem was the sun was streaming in her face and it was 3AM in Ghana. I pointed this out to "her" and was informed the sun rises very early in Ghana. I couldn't see that for all the smoke she was blowing up my ass!
If you really want to have some fun, when they tell you to send money via Western Union, get all their information and after an appreciable amount of time send the, a phony confirmation number. In due course they will get back to you and say something's wrong. "Oh, my bad. I must've messed the number up, here." BOUNCE! Them tell them something's wrong and you've got to go down to the Western union and resend, etc. keep this up until they wise up. When you get the inevitable angry letter about how you betrayed your "love," just reply, "JACKASS JACKASS!!!!!"
I'm going to keep on punking these bitches, both male or female. They've got it coming. I don't even feel bad about it. But, like the saying goes, there's a sucker born every minute. Please don't be a sucker.
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