
We Defy

  In the spirit of Tommy Attaway’s book,  We Defy , with the shots from Ruby Ridge still ringing in our ears, and the smoke of Mount Carm...

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Owner' Manual For Internet Girlfriends

           No Fool Like An Old Fool (Unless you pick Weird Wilbur)
                                                     by Wilbur Witt

     I've touched on this subject before, but I think a revisiting is in order. As you may, or may not know, recently I ramped up my friends list on Facebook. I was creating a base of readers who were genuinely interested in reading my opinions. Well, it worked, and now the friends keep coming as more and more people read and tell their friends about me, and I do appreciate that. That having been said, as with all things there is always a side effect. It seems that a few of my contacts are young women who view me as a horny old fool. The story is always the same. They are in a situation somewhere in Africa. Mom, dad, or grandparents have recently died and they have to go there to settle their affairs. Once they touch base with you, you become the love of their life. If you're stupid enough to respond they will hit you so hot and heavy you won't have time to check your email. 

     Now, you guys know me. I'm a decent, or fairly decent guy. I'll talk to anyone, but when one of these Piranhas hits I consider it a fishing trip. They get all personal and I just let them spread their wings. The truly funny thing is that I never lie. I tell them my exact situation and they just keep on striking, which means they either can't read English very well, or they are so caught up in their trolling script they can't deviate, which spells Internet cafe with lots of girls working the web. For those of you not versed in this vocation, there are people who set up computers in a coffee shop and the girls troll the web looking for old fools. 

     The business model is always the same. 
          1) Make initial contact
          2) Become familiar with the mark, and by that I mean VERY familiar!  
                 Words like "love" "honey" "lonely" and an abundance of sexual
                  innuendo, designed to knock the victim out of his wheelchair. 
          3) Introduce an issue they are going through. And it always 
                involves international intrigue. 
           4) Pictures pictures pictures. This is where it gets funny with me. 
                  I make videos and I get some of the hottest shots of Asian
                  chicks you've ever seen. I use the pictures. Yes, I'm an 
                  asshole. Please make note that the pictures you get are
                  most likely NOT the girl you are communicating with. Frankly
                  I recently received a series of photos and I thought, "DAYUM!
                  No WAY this girl is single!" 
             5) They suddenly have a need for funds. This is the first grab. If you                                         
                    balk they will either move on to greener pastures
                    or go to step 6. 
              6) The call for help evolves with the crisis in their life
                     involving some "settlement," "inheritance," whatever, but in
                     order to complete their business, and the sting, they need . . .
               7) Your account number!

     Now, I'm not going to insult the intelligence of my readers, but if you are that hard up, and stupid enough to give an Internet girl friend your bank account information send ME the money, I'll put it into the music business and I'll even have Frenchi do a lap dance for you. Hell! We might even get a hit, and you'll make a little change. Remember, the rules are simple. Nothing is as it seems. If it sounds too good to be true then it probably isn't. Only get involved with women you can see and touch. It's so simple. I had no less than three of these girls talking to me at one time this morning, all following exactly the same script, hell, I felt like they were all in the same room sharing notes! They all hit me with the same sting at the same time, and when I told them that my son, Master Chief Wilbur had my passwords and read all my communications they all had somewhere to go and promptly signed off!

     It makes me very angry when people take advantage of people who are lonely and alone. They think the girl might be so down and out that maybe their Social Security check will buy them love. So they send money and eat cat food while they read the bull shit that dribbles back over the net. Fact is that's not me. I'm successful, surrounded by beautiful girls, drive a Mercedes, and am working on my fourth book and music for a band cutting an album. And I TELL these women this. Only problem is that they're so busy following the script they don't take time to read. If you think these things don't happen just have a look at this copy and paste from a note I got just today. . .

lol. thats my mums plantation down here.i just spoke to my mums lawyer today and according to her WILL she left some to huge amount of GOLD in my name,from her gold bussiness and i am praying to have it and bring it so that we can start a new life there eventhough iwas thinking of selling it here before i come back but i dont think i can get the right price here,as my love and soulmate i just want to know what you think,whether to bring it up there if only  i can get a good price there or  sell it here before coming back...take care and pls say a big HI to the kids for me.Hope to hear your reply soon my love..ok. 

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