by Wilbur Witt
Forgive me, but I grew up in the 60's. I have seen the government churn out every version of nonsense you could possibly imagine. I watched Lyndon Johnson convince us that a bunch of broke ass rice farmers were going to take over the world if we didn't do something quick. Well, quick ended up being ten years, and we got a nice wall in Washington to remind us. Then I got to watch Nixon tell us he was not a crook and when he died they couldn't bury him. They had to drive a stick through his ears and screw him into the ground. And don't forget Carter, or on second thought let's do forget Carter. Then there was Bill (Blow Job) Clinton. How about Bush? Both of them. Jr. Bush told us to forget about those rice farmers, CAMEL jockeys are taking over the world! And we follow suit every time with our tongues hanging out of the side of our mouths just like that stupid dog in Garfield comics!
Now we have the NSA. I have never seen a more lying, stealing, irrational bunch of idiots in my life. Now, I don't trust Yankees in suits to begin with, but government employed Yankees in suits are on the very top of my list. I put them along about the same level as my Nigerian girlfriends. Ok people, HeadsUp 101. Whenever you use that radio you think is a landline phone SOMEONE is listening. The NSA isn't special, it isn't even smart, it's that most of us are that nieve. Just like the scandal not long ago when people suddenly discovered Apple could locate its iPhones. Uh . . .duh! How do you think that iPhone finds those cell towers? Now everybody's all pissed off because some government agency is listening to stuff they're screaming from the rooftops.
What to do? Well the solution is simple. Yep, that nasty old' constitution again. You see, government employees will always lie. Part of the creed. They have been tapping lines beginning just after Alexander Bell said, "Come here, I need you." NSA's sin was not listening, it was not reading . . .the constitution. It was not understanding the word, "admissible." It was lying to Congress, which is no big deal because Congress lies to US! Snowden didn't reveal anything new, and if you think he did I have a Rolex I'd like to sell you. I know it's genuine because the pimp who sold it to me told me it was. Would I lie to you?
If the NSA had to get real warrants, not blank checks, real evidence being set forth for said warrants, not suppositions, and had to abide by the constitution there would be no problem, other than some hurt feelings. Listen all you want Mr NSA, but before you drag your lazy, government contracted butts into a court it better be straight up legal, and you'd better have a case!
I'm thinking of a word, ah, sequester! Yeah, that's the word. How much would we need to cut from the budget if we just defunded the NSA, and turned that big old' complex in Utah into a charity hospital? Wow! That cooks like Aunt Jemima's flapjacks, but then, I'm just a simple old boy from Austin, so what do I know?
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